Welcome to the Elevating Employment Success for Job Seekers with Brain Injury Module

In Module 7, participants will learn how to identify, plan, and support effective vocational rehabilitation for individuals with lived experience of a brain injury seeking employment services. Individuals will be able to identify effective screening tools and evidence-based strategies and accommodations for those with cognitive impairments.

Module 7 Objectives

After completing this module, you will have acquired knowledge about:

  • Recognize unique presentations of brain injury, including those within special populations.
  • Understand the relevance of brain injury-informed employment services.
  • Incorporate screens into the service delivery process.
  • Link evidence-based strategies and accommodations to the specific barriers experienced by people with brain injury.
  • Enhance library of existing brain injury resources.

About the Author

Jill Ferrington is a Technical Assistance Advisory with NASHIA and brings a 30-year history working on disability initiatives and grants in the areas of brain injury, competitive integrated employment (including self-employment) for people with disabilities, Home and Community-Based Services, and Medicaid Buy-In. In addition to training and resource development on a variety of brain injury topics, she supports states in their efforts to prioritize needs and engage stakeholders in the development of actionable State Plans, conceptualize and plan tailored resource facilitation and peer support models, and enhance or expand service delivery for people with brain injury.